What We Do

Introducing HealthcareGPS

We solve healthcare’s hidden divide: doctors that the public knows, and the elite group which doctors actually trust for their loved ones. Avalon.AI bridges that gap, empowering you with HealthcareGPS – your key to the top 25% of in-network physicians nationwide.

See HealthcareGPS in action today!

The Problem

Too often, doctors are chosen based on covnenience or a friend’s recommendation, not quality. Whether you are an all-star athlete or office worker needing knee surgery; you deserve to be treated by the best specialist with proven outcomes.

The Solution

HealthcareGPS transforms doctor selection. Integrating seamlessly with existing programs, it analyzes billions of data points – public and professional-grade private sources; looking at prescribing patterns, readmission rates, infection rates, and more – to identify and surface top performing physicians across disease states.

Transforming Healthcare Selection

Just as GPS transformed travel by always guiding you to the right destination, HealthcareGPS ensures you find the top performing in-network physicians for your specific needs, quickly and effortlessly.

Change the Direction of Healthcare

Join organizations that are saving millions and reducing medical errors with HealthcareGPS, powered by Avalon.AI.

Guide care decisions with advanced tech
Identify top performing physicians without bias

How We Do This

We partner with self-insured companies and TPAs to guide their employees’ and members’ decisions in care across their lifespan. We do this with the latest tech and a leading team, building real-time models that reflect the largest professional grade data set curated to-date. With a focus on quality, and ease of one-click scheduling, we guide consumers to the best performing doctors for their needs.

Our proprietary technology is delivered via advanced dashboards and data sets that enable all stakeholders to make more informed decisions. Existing companies that help employees navigate the healthcare system often rely on narrow networks, kickbacks or middlemen games, and incentive programs. We are the first truly third party, independent organization that identifies the top 25% of best practicing physicians for you when you need them. We win when our clients and their employees or members win on outcomes, cost, and access. That’s what Value Based Care is all about.